
I think internal medicine is important. When combined, asking the right questions and listening well lead to good decisions. Explaining medical conditions, risks, and benefits leads to informed patients who strive to comply with recommendations. Patients who do not understand their conditions have more trouble playing a role in their treatment. 

Prevention starts with healthy eating, exercise, moderate alcohol if any and no tobacco. I try to applaud successes or encourage change in these behaviors. 


We schedule fewer patients per day, with longer appointment times, to support staying on schedule.  I recommend planning your arrival 5-10 minutes early. If you arrive 15 minutes after your scheduled time, your appointment will need to be rescheduled. 

I try to call back important results to patients. I hope to get data back to patients within ten days. Please call for results two weeks after any testing to clarify: 

1.  that we have the results and 

2.  get the appropriate advice. 

Please don’t assume all your tests “are normal” if you haven’t heard from us. 

I will remain accessible. Please call me through the office phone on weekends or holidays for pressing medical issues. Only if I am out of the country will phone calls be delegated to other health care providers.